

Die Forschungsgruppe veröffentlicht einen jährlichen Bericht mit den Ergebnissen der Pflegequalitätserhebung 2.0.

Die Berichte der Pflegequalitätserhebung sind online verfügbar:
  • 2024
    • Lohrmann C, Bauer S, Lampersberger L, Osmancevic S (2024) Pflegequalitätserhebung 2.0 08. -10. November 2023.
  • 2023
    • Lohrmann C, Bauer S, Lampersberger L (2023) Pflegequalitätserhebung 2.0 09.-11. November 2022.
  • 2022
    • Lohrmann C, Bauer S, Lampersberger L, Osmancevic S (2022) Pflegequalitätserhebung 2.0 09. – 11. November 2021.
  • 2019
    • Lohrmann C, Eglseer D, Bauer S, Hödl M, Osmancevic S (2020) Pflegequalitätserhebung 2.0 12. November 2019.
  • 2018
    • Lohrmann C, Eglseer D, Osmancevic S, Hödl M (2019) Pflegequalitätserhebung 2.0 13. November 2018.
  • 2017
    • Lohrmann C, Eglseer D, Hödl M (2018) Pflegequalitätserhebung 2.0 14. November 2017.
  • 2016
    • Lohrmann C, Eglseer D, Mandl M (2016) Pflegequalitätserhebung 12. April 2016.
  • 2015
    • Lohrmann C, Bauer S, Mandl M (2015) Pflegequalitätserhebung 14.April 2015.
  • 2022
    • Bauer S, Lampersberger L, Osmancevic S. (2022) Großes Interesse für die Piloterhebung – die Pflegequalitätserhebung 2.0 in der Hauskrankenpflege. ProCare 9, 50.-52
  • 2021
  • 2019
    • Hödl M, Voithofer C. (2019) Dekubitusrisikoeinschätzung und präventive Maßnahmen bei Krankenhauspatientinnen und -patienten: Gehen-Sitzen-Liegen. Pflege 32(4), 181-187.
  • 2018
    • Eglseer D, Hödl M, Lohrmann C. (2018) Die österreichische Pflegequalitätserhebung 2.0. ProCare 23, 44-45.
    • Eglseer D, Hödl M, Lohrmann C. (2018) „Tu Gutes und rede darüber“ Lebenswelt Heim 778:, 10-11.
  • 2017
  • 2015
    • Bauer S, Kapeller C, Binder E, Lohrmann C. (2015) Pflegequalität in der Praxis. ProCare 20, 16-18.
    • Lohrmann C. (2015) Pflegequalität: Hoher Standard. Presseaussendung.
    • Mandl M, Lohrmann C. (2015) Enormer Bedarf. ÖKZ 56 (10), 38-40.
  • 2014
    • Schönherr S, Halfens R, Lohrmann C. (2014) Mangelernährung in österreichischen Krankenhäusern und Pflegeheimen - Ergebnisse von wiederholten Querschnittstudien. Aktuelle Ernährungsmedizin, 39(02), 110-116. doi: 10.1055/s-0034-1369924
  • 2012
    • Schönherr S, Mandl M, Lohrmann C. (2012) „GUTES sehen, GUTES hören, GUTES sagen“ - Pflegequalität als ein Thema für Österreich. Österreichische Pflegezeitschrift, 12/2012: 19-22.
  • 2011
    • Großschädl F, Lohrmann C. (2011) Druck in der Pflege. Ergebnisse einer Prävalenzerhebung in österreichischen Krankenhäusern und Pflegeheimen. Österreichische Pflegezeitschrift, 6/2011: 356-361.
    • Nußbaumer B, Lohrmann C. (2011) Prävalenz der Inkontinenz und Pflegemaßnahmen. Querschnittstudie bei erwachsenen Bewohnern und Patienten in Österreich. ProCare 04/2011: 10-13.
    • Schönherr S, Eichhorn-Kissel J, Lohrmann C. (2011) Pflegequalität transparent machen. ProCare , 01-02/2011: 36-38.
  • 2010
    • Großschädl F, Prieschl P, Schönherr S, Schüssler S, Sippola-Puster E, Lohrmann C. (2010) Die Bedeutung von Prävalenzerhebungen für die Pflege. Österreichische Pflegezeitschrift, 3/2010: 8-10.
    • Schönherr S, Lohrmann C. (2010) Mangelernährung in sechs österreichischen Pflegeheimen - ein heimliches Leid. ProCare, 3/2010: 3-8.
  • 2023
    • Großschädl, F., Schoberer, D., Eglseer, D., Lohrmann, C., Everink, I., Gordon, A. L., ... & Bauer, S. (2023). Obesity and its associated factors in older nursing home residents in three European countries—Secondary data analyses from the “International Prevalence Measurement of Care Quality”. International Journal of Older People Nursing, e12530.
  • 2022
    • Osmancevic S, Bauer, S. (2022) Pain and its associated factors in nursing home residents. Geriatric Nursing, 47, 13-17.
    • Osmancevic S, Eglseer D, Bauer S, Hoedl M. (2022) Secondary Data Analysis of Intertrigo in Hospital and Geriatric Settings: A Comparison of Prevalence, Anatomical Locations, and Interventions. Index Wound Manag Prev.;68(3):12-18 doi: 10.25270/wmp.2022.3.1218
  • 2021
    • Schüttengruber, G., Halfens, R. J., & Lohrmann, C. (2022). Care dependency of patients and residents at the end of life: A secondary data analysis of data from a cross‐sectional study in hospitals and geriatric institutions. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 31(5-6), 657-668.
    • Thomann, S., Hahn, S., Bauer, S. et al. Variation in restraint use between hospitals: a multilevel analysis of multicentre prevalence measurements in Switzerland and Austria. BMC Health Serv Res 21, 367 (2021).
    • Hoedl M, Eglseer D, Bernet N, Everink I, Gordon AL, Lohrmann C, Osmancevic S, Saka B, Schols JMGA, Thomann S, Bauer, S. (2021). Which factors influence the prevalence of institution-acquired falls? Results from an international, multi-center, cross-sectional survey. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 00, 1– 8.
    • Everink IH, Gordon AL, Rijcken S, Osmancevic S, Schols JM. (2021) Learning and improving in long-term care internationally: the International Prevalence Measurement of Care Quality (LPZ). Geriatr Gerontol Aging. 15:e0210056. doi: 10.53886/gga.e0210056
    • Hödl M, Eglseer D. (2021). Which characteristics of fecal incontinence predispose incontinence-associated dermatitis? - A classification and regression tree analysis. Advances in Skin and Wound Care. 1;34(2):103-108. doi: 10.1097/
    • Thomann S, Zwakhalen S, Richter D, Bauer S, Hahn S (2021) Restraint use in the acute-care hospital setting: A cross-sectional multi-centre study. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 114:103807.
  • 2020
    • Bauer S, Hödl M, Eglseer D. (2020) Association between malnutrition risk and pain in older hospital patients. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. 35(3), 345-951. doi: 10.1111/scs.12915
    • Eglseer D, Bauer S. (2020) Predictors of dietitian referrals in hospitals. Nutrients 12(9), 2863;
    • Eglseer D, Osmancevic S, Hödl M, Lohrmann C, Bauer S. (2020) Improving the quality of nursing care in Austria: 10 years of success. J Nurs Manag. 2020;00:1–8.
    • Eglseer D, Huppertz V, Kammer L, Saka B, Schols J, Everink I. (2020) The quality of nutritional care in hospitals: A comparison between Austria, Switzerland and Turkey. Nutrition.
    • Großschädl F, Bauer S. (2020) The relationship between obesity and nursing care problems in intensive care patients in Austria. Nursing in Critical Care,
    • Hödl M, Bauer S. (2020) The relationship between care dependency and pain in nursing home residents. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. 90:104166.
    • Hödl M, Eglseer D. (2020). Which characteristics of fecal incontinence predispose incontinence-associated dermatitis? - A classification and regression tree analysis. Advances in Skin and Wound Care. Advances in skin & wound care 34(2), 103–108.
    • Eglseer D, Hödl M, Schoberer D. (2020) Malnutrition risk and hospital-acquired falls in older adults: A cross-sectional, multicenter study. Geriatric & Gerontol International. 20(4):348-353. doi: 10.1111/ggi.13885.
    • Blanar V, Eglseer D, Lohrmann C, Hödl M. (2020) Changes in the availability of clinical practice guidelines for malnutrition: A 6-y multicenter study. Nutrition. 71.; doi: 10.1016/j.nut.2019.110617.
  • 2019
    • Blanar V, Hödl M, Lohrmann C, Amir Y, Eglseer D. (2019) Dysphagia and factors associated with malnutrition risk: A five-year multicentre study. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 75:3566-3576.
    • Hoedl M, Eglseer D, Lohrmann C. (2019) Structure, Process, and Quality Indicators for Pressure Injury Prevention and Care in Austrian Hospitals: A Quality Improvement Project. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs 9;. 46(6):479-484. doi: 10.1097/WON.0000000000000586
    • Hödl M, Blanar V, Amir Y, Lohrmann C. (2019) Association between incontinence, incontinence-associated dermatitis and pressure injuries: A multisite study among hospitalised patients 65 years or older. Australasian Journal of Dermatology . doi: 10.1111/ajd.13163.
    • Eglseer D, Hödl M, Lohrmann C. (2019) Nutritional management of older hospitalised patients with pressure injuries. International Wound Journal 2019, 16:226-232.
    • Hödl M, Eglseer D, Lohrmann C. (2019) Does Conducting a Risk Assessment Facilitate Better Care for Patients at Risk of Pressure Injuries? Journal of Advanced Skin wound Care . doi: 10.1097/01.ASW.0000559611.98442.40.
    • Eglseer D, Hödl M, Lohrmann C. (2019) Nutritional management of older hospitalised patients with pressure injuries. International Wound Journal. 16(1):226-232; doi: 10.1111/iwj.13016.
  • 2018
    • Eglseer D, Halfens RJG, Schols JMGA, Lohrmann C. (2018) Dysphagia in hospitalized older patients: Associated factors and nutritional interventions, Journal of Nutrition Health and Aging. 22 (1), 103-110.
    • Hödl M, Eglseer D, Lohrmann C. (2018) Does conducting a risk assessment facilitate better care for patients at risk of pressure injuries? Advances in Skin & Wound Care. 32 (8), 365-369. doi: 10.1097/01.ASW.0000559611.98442.40
  • 2017
    • Eglseer D., Hödl M., & Lohrmann C. (2017) Six Nursing Care Problems in Hospitals: A Cross-Sectional Study of Quality of Care. J Nurs Care Qual. 2017; doi: 10.1097/NCQ.0000000000000307.
    • Amir Y, Tan FE, Halfens R, Lohrmann C, Schols J. (2017). Pressure Ulcer Prevalence and Care in Indonesian Hospitals: A Multicenter, Cross-sectional Evaluation Using an Extended Donabedian Model. Ostomy/Wound Management. 63(2), 8-23.
    • Darby J, Horne J, Lewin J, Crocker C, Coates E, McEwan K, Schols JMGA, Halfens R, Eglseer D, Lohrmann C, Gladman JRF, Gordon AL. (2017) Benchmarking the prevalence of care problems in UK care homes using the LPZ-i – a feasibility study. East Midlands Research into Ageing (EMRAN) Discussion Paper Series. Issue 13, April 2017. ISSN 2059-3341.
    • Bauer S, Halfens RJG, Lohrmann C. (2017) Changes in nutritional status in nursing home residents and associated factors in nutritional status decline: a secondary data analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 73(10):2420-2429. doi: 10.1111/jan.13297.
  • 2016
    • Amir Y, Lohrmann C, Halfens R, Schols J. (2016) Pressure Ulcers in four Indonesian hospitals: prevalence, patient characteristics, ulcer characteristics, prevention and treatment. International Wound Journal. doi: 10.1111/iwj.12580.
    • van Nie N, Meijers J, Schols J, Lohrmann C, Spreeuwenberg M, Halfens R. (2015) Do structural quality indicators of nutritional care influence malnutrition prevalence in Dutch, German and Austrian nursing homes? Nutrition. 30(11-12), 1384-1390.
    • Mandl M, Halfens R, Lohrmann C. (2016) Interactions of Factors and Profiles of Incontinent Nursing Home Residents and Hospital Patients: a Classification Tree Analysis. Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing. 43(4), 407-13. doi: 10.1097/WON.0000000000000232
    • Schoberer D, Mijnarends DM, Fliedner M, Halfens RJG, Lohrmann C. (2016) Quality of Austrian and Dutch falls prevention information: a comparative descriptive study. Health Education Journal. 75(2), 220–234.
  • 2015
    • Mandl M, Halfens RJG, Lohrmann C. (2015) Incontinence care in nursing homes: a cross-sectional study. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 71 (9), 2142-2152.
    • Shahin E, Lohrmann C. (2015) Is There Relationship between quality indicators and acquired pressure ulcers in Austrian hospitals and nursing homes? Journal of Surgery, Special Issue: Postoperative Pain Syndrome 3(2-1), 1-7. doi: 10.11648/j.js.s.2015030201.11
    • Shahin E, Lohrmann C. (2015) Prevalence of fecal and double fecal and urinary incontinence in hospitalized patients. Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing. 42 (1), 89-93. doi: 10.1097/WON.0000000000000082
    • van Nie-Visser N, Meijers J, Schols J, Lohrmann C, Spreeuwenberg M, Halfens R. (2015) Do structural quality indicators of nutritional care influence malnutrition prevalence in Dutch, German and Austrian nursing homes? Nutrition. 30 (11-12), 1384-1390.
  • 2014
    • van Nie-Visser N, Meijers J, Schols J, Lohrmann C, Bartholomeyczik S, Spreeuwenberg M, Halfens R. (2014) Which characteristics of nursing home residents influence differences in malnutrition prevalence? An international comparison of The Netherlands, Germany and Austria. The British journal of nutrition. 1129-1136.
    • Amir Y, Kottner J, Schols J, Lohrmann C, Halfens R. (2014) Psychometric properties of the Dutch National Prevalence Measurement of Care Problems used to measure quality of pressure ulcer care in Indonesian hospitals. Advances in Skin & Wound Care. 27(8), 363-370. doi: 10.1097/01.ASW.0000452044.58375.43
    • Kottner J, Blume-Peytavi U, Lohrmann C, Halfens R. (2014) Associations between individual characteristics and incontinence-associated dermatitis: a secondary data analysis of a multi-centre prevalence study. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 21 (10), 1373-1380.
    • Meesterberends E, Wilborn D, Lohrmann C, Schols J, Halfens R. (2014) Knowledge and use of pressure ulcer preventive measures in nursing homes: a comparison of Dutch and German nursing staff. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 23(13-14), 1948-1958.
    • Schüssler S, Dassen T, Lohrmann C. (2014) Care dependency and nursing care problems in nursing home residents with and without dementia: a cross-sectional study. Aging clinical and experimental research. 42(1).
    • Shahin E, Lohrmann C. (2014) Prevalence of urinary incontinence in Austrian Hospitals. Asian Academic Research Journal of Multidisciplinary. 1(17), 341-354.
    • Shahin E, Lohrmann C. (2014) Prevalence of fecal and double fecal and urinary incontinence in hospitalized patients. Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing. 42 (1), 89-93. doi: 10.1097/WON.0000000000000082
    • van Nie-Visser N, Meijers J, Schols J, Lohrmann C, Bartholomeyczik S, Spreeuwenberg M, Halfens R. (2014) Which characteristics of nursing home residents influence differences in malnutrition prevalence? An international comparison of The Netherlands, Germany and Austria. The British journal of nutrition 2014, 1129-1136.
  • 2013
    • Halfens R, Meesterberends E, van Nie-Visser N, Lohrmann C, Schönherr S, Meijers J, Hahn S, Vangelooven C, Schols J. (2013) International prevalence measurement of care problems: results. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 69(9), e5-e17,
    • Meesterberends E, Halfens R, Neyens J, Schols J, Amberger T, Lohrmann C, Spreeuwenberg M. (2013) Do patients in Dutch nursing homes have more pressure ulcers than patients in German nursing homes? A prospective multi-center cohort study. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 14(8): 605-610.
    • Tannen A, Lohrmann C. (2013) Malnutrition in Austrian hospital patients. Prevalence, risk factors, nursing interventions and quality indicators: a descriptive multicentre study. Journal of Advanced Nursing 69(8), 1840-1849.
    • van Nie-Visser N, Schols J, Meesterberends E, Lohrmann C, Meijers J, Halfens R. (2013) An International prevalence measurement of care problems: study protocol. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 69(9), e18-e29.
  • 2012
    • Schönherr S, Halfens R, Meijers J, Schols J, Lohrmann C. (2012) Structural and process indicators of nutritional care: A comparison between Austrian hospitals and nursing homes. Nutrition. 28(9), 868-873.
  • 2011
    • Meesterberends E, Halfens R, Heinze C, Lohrmann C, Schols J. (2011) Pressure ulcer incidence in Dutch and German nursing homes: design of a prospective multicenter cohort study. BMC Nursing. 10(8).
    • van Nie-Visser N, Meijers J, Schols J, Lohrmann C, Bartholomeyczik S, Halfens R. (2011) Comparing quality of nutritional care in Dutch and German Nursing homes. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 20(17-18): 2501-2508.

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